Tables Over Fences
Explore the hidden dynamics shaping today’s workplaces. Dive into our blog for actionable strategies, expert advice, and real-world insights that will help you lead more effectively, understand unseen cultural barriers, and create stronger, more cohesive teams.

Book Retreat Hiatus
Book Retreat Hiatus Social Class 3 semanas ago When the universe is ready for you, it’ll knock you onto your fucking feet. That’s right, not off of them. Onto them. Since Facebook’s rise in 2008, I have been told how

Why are white women the “men of women”?
Why are white women the “men of women”? Social Class 3 months ago Last month I talked about how economic inequality was structured and leveraged race segregation to divide the working class against each other. The month before that, I

Is inequality really about social class, not race?
Is inequality really about social class, not race? Social Class 3 semanas ago Class has been at the center of the ongoing US Election Year. Not only due to absurdly high inflation but also because of some key players. The

The Universal Language of Ignored Problems: What Your Ex-Boss and Ex-Boyfriend Have in Common
The Universal Language of Ignored Problems: What Your Ex-Boss and Ex-Boyfriend Have in Common Social Class 5 hours ago “Why do leaders ignore issues, and then they’re shocked when the issues have consequences? Would you treat any other relationship in

Tips for Navigating Polarization at Work – From Independence Day to Election Day
Tips for Navigating Polarization at Work – From Independence Day to Election Day Social Class 5 hours ago Growing up, I’d sometimes dress entirely in red, white, and blue, just because. In my small, southern town in rural North Florida,

Unlearning Homophobia, Learning Inclusion: A Leader’s Journey Toward a More Equitable Workplace
Unlearning Homophobia, Learning Inclusion: A Leader’s Journey Toward a More Equitable Workplace Social Class 5 hours ago It’s Pride Month, and with that comes a lot of businesses hanging rainbow flags and/or posting them online. Public support is great, but

How AI Can Help You Be a More Culturally-Competent Leader
How AI Can Help You Be a More Culturally-Competent Leader Social Class 3 months ago “If you walked into an interview with that phone, I wouldn’t hire you,” a professor told me during my first year at university. “It’s an

Is AI Going to Close Our Gender Gaps?
Is AI Going to Close Our Gender Gaps? Social Class 5 hours ago Recently, I was having lunch with a client team before a speaking engagement. One team member shared she also earned her bachelor’s in psychology. “Did your parents

Why We Won’t Have Psychological Safety Until We Understand Courage
Why We Won’t Have Psychological Safety Until We Understand Courage Social Class 5 hours ago Have you ever seen/heard an organizational statement, PowerPoint, or even a video where you heard the corporate buzzwords “impact,” “synergy,” and something about “trailblazing” something